Every project I have ever undertaken has required teamwork, whether self-initiated or collaborations. Suppliers, fabricators, sponsors, curators, installers and freight companies all form part of your team and directing, managing and guiding that team is you, the project manager.
Yet again, I have found this to be the case, while working on artwork for Seven with Another. At the helm this time there have been two project managers, my co-collaborator Robert Davidson (musician/composer) and myself. Together we have provided direction for the overall project, while working on our respective components, metaphorically conducting our own teams like an orchestra of helpers.
When working with others good planning is crucial. I find setting the tasks and timeline of deliverables early in the project allows everyone involved to be clear about what is required and when. And building fat into the timeline to make space for inevitable changes is essential. Lastly, working in a team multiplies your problem solving capacity. I think this is possibly one of the greatest skills inherent within the collective group.
With only three days until the Fifth Edition of Seven with Another opens, we are just about ready to install. I can’t wait to see what the other Seven with Another teams involved in this dynamic group exhibition have developed… See you at the launch on Thursday, at the Brisbane Powerhouse, from 7pm…