I am delighted my current exhibition has celebrated its first week open to the public! Recollected Patterns: The botany of Walter Hill, features all the black and white artworks from the original 2011 exhibition Collected Patterns: The botany of Walter, plus new works in colour.
On Tuesday 23 October, I will be giving a floor talk at the gallery and would like to invite you along. Things I might talk about include, what inspired me to research Walter Hill and why I chose to explore the plants that I did in the artworks. I might also talk about the processes used in creating the artworks and the development of repeat patterns for the new wallpaper and textiles included in Recollected Patterns. I might talk about these and other things, yet I might not. The only way you’ll find out, is if you come along!
Exhibition: Recollected Patterns: The botany of Walter Hill
Exhibition Dates: 8 October – 28 November, 2012
Floor Talk: 23 October, 2012 at 12noon
Venue: Redland Art Gallery, Capalaba Place, Noeleen Street, Capalaba Qld 4157
No RSVPs required. Admission is FREE.
For more information, please visit the gallery’s website or download the invitation…