Recently at Brisbane Indesign, while hanging out with fellow Brisbane-based artist and designer, Christina Waterson, I learned a whole lot more about How We Create – “an inspiration and content website that showcases the step by step process of designing and manufacturing products for the Design and Architectural industries in Australia”.
The aim of this resource is to help connect and support Australian designers, architects and manufacturers and increase their visibility on the world stage. With a clear focus on innovation and collaboration, How We Create provides a voice for conversations about design and design-related issues.
Just last week, Ben Morgan, writer and content manager for How We Create, interviewed me for the Product and Designer Showcase. You can read Ben’s article here and the full transcript here.
I believe knowledge sharing in this way is crucial to the longevity of the design and manufacturing industries in Australia. By coming together and telling our stories/sharing our experience(s), we play a part in mapping the direction in which we want to go – to make real change through design-led thinking and approaches to design that are considered, balanced and beneficial.