My blog has a new badge, a new format and a renewed purpose…
Recently, I began contemplating the reasons I continue to write a blog. For the first 12 months of it’s life (2008-2009), this blog was a weekly report on what I had explored, learned, achieved and completed during the previous week towards Making Place: Wallpaper & Textiles, a project I developed to create a range of sustainable, commercial wallpaper & woven textiles in Australia. I wanted to talk about what I learned along the way, as I believe information becomes more valuable when disseminated, added to, questioned and ultimately shared. I thought that perhaps other people could benefit from what I was learning and that could only help to strengthen the arts, craft and design industry and perhaps other industries as well. Knowledge when multiplied becomes incredibly powerful.
When I completed Making Place: Wallpaper & Textiles, I wanted to continue writing my blog and have done so, penning another whopping 331 posts! In that time I’ve covered topics relevant to my practice including: the development of new work and projects, industry events and exhibitions, I’ve featured other creatives in my Design Spot column and shared contributions that I’ve made to design writing.
It’s been a very full, exciting and challenging three years in the blog space, and I’m looking forward to continuing to contribute to the creative platforms in which I work through this forum. However, it is important for me to keep the focus tight and make the content relevant, interesting and, above all, useful.
In 2012, What I learned last week, will be exactly that, a thought-provoking resource on my ideas, inspiration and perspectives…
I hope you enjoy a relaxing and peaceful festive season… See you on the other side!